Toddler Chat

Welcome To My Course

Do you have a toddler with delayed speech and language development?
Are you looking for support from a Speech and Language Therapist?
Do you want your toddler to communicate more but you have run out of ideas of how to help?
Would you like to buy a programme which is not going to break the bank?!

Toddler Chat


Please watch my video below

Helpful Resources

resources will be available shortly

FREE 5 Day Training Course

Just wanted to let you know you are in for a treat!

When you sign up to receive my Newsletter – you are going to receive FREE resources and updates on any upcoming exciting news and training courses etc....lots of things coming up very soon!

Talking about FREE stuff – the first thing I want to offer you is my 5 day FREE training course called ‘Developing understanding of language’, so if you have been looking for extra help for your toddler then you can access the course links in the newsletter – you can watch the videos in your own time and as many times as you like.

Sign Up Here


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