Kids Speech and Language Therapy

Toddler Chat Course

These are some of the video lessons you can access when you join the course – see the full list under the courses tab.

  • Narrative Therapy
  • Social Engagement/interaction
  • Play Therapy
  • Assess/develop your child’s understanding of language

And many more

Also LIVE Group coaching/Q&A calls

And two 1:1 coaching calls

Find out more by clicking the button below!!

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Toddler Chat

Specific to your toddler’s needs!

Helping your child to communicate - Clarity of Speech:

Decrease pressure on speech and do not correct the child.

Discrimination/ listening activities:

Ready steady go games
Sound location (hide a noisemaker and encourage your child to find it)

Rhythm and rhyme:

Syllable and rhyme awareness normally begins to develop when a child is three/four years old
Activities to develop these skills will help your child with speech sound difficulties



Working Hours

M-F: 9am – 5pm
Weekends: 11am – 4pm


About Me

My name is Yasmin, and I am a UK-based Speech and Language Therapist (SALT). I support families worldwide through my online course and in my Facebook group.

I am not offering any miracle quick fixes however, I do offer advice and help to families who need guidance to support their children with speech, language, and communication difficulties.


My Training

Hi mums and dads!

Besides being a Speech and Language Therapist (SALT), I am also a self-publishing author, and my books are on a variety of subjects related to speech and language development and are available on Amazon and other platforms too. I provide information, advice and strategies for parents to help their children. Although I am not offering any miracle quick fixes, I have dedicated my life to helping families who need guidance to support their children with speech, language and communication difficulties.

I also have an online course, see above, you can find more details under the ‘courses’ tab. The course is a mix of recorded video lessons and weekly LIVE group coaching calls. There is also a dedicated FB group for everyone who joins the course, where you can ask questions, make suggestions for future lessons or subject to discuss in a coaching call, share any videos and ask for feedback.

As well as all the above, you get 2, 1:1 coaching calls which are personalized to you and your child. This is where I will meet your child (over zoom) and observe, Informally assess and together we agree on targets for you to work on. If you join the course, you get advice and support specifically personalized for your child.

I also have multitudes of resources to support you.



What My Clients Say

“I’d just thought I’d drop you a little email to say your book is helping so much. My little boy has a speech delay ( he’s nearly 3 and health visitor has said he’s at what he should be at 15 months although I personally think he’s a bit further than that point ) so is under speech therapy but with covid and lots of delays we haven’t had much help yet so your book has been absolutely amazing! Thank you so much.

In reply to your question I think a mistake I’ve been making is actually talking for my child. Rather than asking him questions I’ve been saying everything for him. And then I’ve been throwing too many words at him trying to help him.

Thanks again for your amazing book. I can’t express into words how thankful we are for your advice.”


“Wish I’d come across this sooner!

I sought the advice in this book because at 20 months old my child had barely 10, single words, much less than she typically should have had at that age. My elder child had been an early talker and very much advanced for her age so I found the contrast between the two of them worrying and stressful. I spent many moments wondering whether my younger child’s speech delay was my ‘fault’ because as a mum of two I had less time for her than I had for my first child and whether I could have done anything differently. Helen’s book is a lifeline for any parent facing a similar scenario .

The focus of the guide is clearly on what to DO to help your child make progress and in our case this was very rapid once we began implementing the strategies in her book. Helen makes the point that while all children are different and progress at different rates, there are certain methods and approaches all parents can utilize to help children understand, acquire and use language. My younger child is now 24 months old and has moved on to using simple statements in the form of statements, questions and demands, as well as having a much bigger vocabulary. I know Helen’s strategies are a direct reason for this progress.

The book is uncomplicated and simple to read which is ideal for busy parents. It gives useful background theories on language, but is firmly centered around what to do at each age to promote rapid progress. The bonus games are well worth it and a generous addition.

I would wholeheartedly recommend this book to ANY parent of preschoolers and my only regret is that I did not come across it sooner! Whether your child has a current speech delay, or you want to have a heads up even before your baby is born, this is a great guide for all of us wishing to help our children develop into confident communicators.”

Amazon Customer

First, I have three ASD children from 7-9. I spend a lot of time in the van going to therapy ap-pointments and lessons keeping them busy. If I find a new “thing” that is supposed to help, I’m doing it. I’ve read lots of self help books and follow all advice from specialists. However, this book takes you a few steps further. I found myself nodding my head to the information and gasping when she hit the perspective of my children. I had a lightbulb moment – well many to he exact. I slowed my eager reading to soak up each creative word she has de-scribed in the point of view of our ASD Children’s world they might be living. What eating a simple food they really don’t like might feel like or listening to a sound they don’t like might sound like in comparison or in perspective to our ears. She opened my mind from her black and white typed letters on the pages I was reading to beautiful splashes of watercolor images in my mind of my children’s world they navigate through each day. What their struggles might be and how they would describe them to me if they could. This is a fresh and easy to under-stand book about every topic in the autistic world from food struggles, clothing sensors, sen-sitive to sounds, running away risks, many more I deal with daily in my home with my three as a single parent. I highly recommend this book as the first book in your collection to read and to gift a second book to your extended family who needs to understand your child’s world they live in to better understand them. I can’t wait to read more of Yasmin Akhtar’s books.
Kathy Q

FREE 5 Day Training Course

Just wanted to let you know you are in for a treat!

When you sign up to receive my Newsletter – you are going to receive FREE resources and updates on any upcoming exciting news and training courses etc....lots of things coming up very soon!

Talking about FREE stuff – the first thing I want to offer you is my 5 day FREE training course called ‘Developing understanding of language’, so if you have been looking for extra help for your toddler then you can access the course links in the newsletter – you can watch the videos in your own time and as many times as you like.

Sign Up Here


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