Toddler Chat

Start Your Course Today

Do you have a toddler with delayed speech and language development?
Are you looking for support from a Speech and Language Therapist?
Do you want your toddler to communicate more but you have run out of ideas of how to help?
Would you like to buy a programme which is not going to break the bank?!
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, please read the information on this page and see if this course is for you and then book a free 15 minute call to have a chat with me (SLT). If you’d like to book free 15 minutes call please send me an email on: [email protected]

What You can expect from this course

Week 1:

  • Social Engagement Theory
  • My 6-step Formula O.W.L.I.N.G

Week 2:

  • Speech and Language Development – Back to basics!
  • Ages and stages of comprehension development

Week 3:

  • Developing Understanding of language
  • From Level 1 to 4+

Week 4:

  • Developing Non-verbal communication:
  • Communication B4 Words – what is it?
  • Non-verbal communication – videos

Week 5:

  • Early Interaction Skills
  • Attention – ages/stages

Week 6 – Guest coach

  • Play Therapy: Guest Coaches

Week 7: – Guest coach

  • Signing not just for the deaf!
  • Introduction to Makaton Signs
  • Learn to signs

Week 8

  • Narrative Therapy
  • Develop narrative skills

Week 9 – Guest coach

  • Beauty in Parenting:
  • Setting boundaries in Self-care & with partner
  • Breath work for parents– meditation!
  • Sensory Self-care

Week 10 – Guest coach

  • Children’s Nutritionist
  • Develop healthy feeding habits and more


Two 1:1 coaching calls with a speech and language therapist
6 Months access to the course
Dedicated Facebook group
Group coaching/Q&A calls with the Therapist


Some of my testimonials

Jenny G – a mum

“Dear Yasmin,
I know I’m only on week 2 of the Toddler Talk programme, but I just had to send this message to you. In all of the research I’ve been doing, trying to get support from professionals, working through anxiety and trying to be positive and be a good Mum – your content and support has honestly been so valuable already. You have such a powerful way of explaining things that currently feel so overwhelming and daunting, into a way that I can really understand and truly see how I can help my little boy the best I can in a fun and simple way. It’s so easy to feel like a failure as a parent and I have felt that for sure. But being able to learn what you have taught in the course in the way you teach it, has really made me feel so much more confident as a parent. Being able to help my little boy develop and progress has been something I’ve truly wanted to do but felt I didn’t have any clue how to do that, but now with the techniques you’ve taught I am really starting to feel like I can actually do this. Thank you for all you do, you’ve truly started to change our lives and I’m so grateful to you.”

CK – a mum

“The COVID pandemic has had a significant impact on us as parents, and our little ones. When you begin to notice your child is not progressing in speech and language, and struggles to socialise because of those limitations, your heart breaks. Coupled with this is the significant delay in speech and language services, due to immense pressure on the public health system, and a significant increase in young children needing speech and language therapy. We were desperate and frustrated as parents. Our child’s nursery school had noticed the challenge my child was facing, and kept highlighting the need for intervention – but our hands were tied in this situation. I sought private therapists, however, they also had a long list of clients on a waiting list.

As I continued to search online for resources to guide me, I came across Yasmin’s Facebook page ‘Kids’ Delayed Speech and Language Support Group’. I was so intrigued how many parents were going through the same experience, and the generous support that Yasmin provided. It did not take much convincing to try out her new innovative approach to supporting parents, through the Toddler’s Chat course. There are 3 keys factors that helped me as a parent doing this course:

    1. Understanding why (empathy): the course explains your child’s behaviour so well, and how best to respond. Children have many reasons behind their delay, but Yasmin points to key aspects that help you understand, and settle your worried mind. You also become more aware of your own behaviour when interacting with your child, and learn to change your approaches.
    2. Social support: The course provides a collaborative environment with other parents, through Zoom sessions to reflect on our progress, and to just vent…It is ok to just vent – and the other parents and Yasmin have just been so supportive with constructive feedback and guidance. These sessions have been instrumental.
    3. Practical exercises: From O.W.L.I.N.G to Play Therapy to an introduction to Signing, the course has really coached me as a parent to try out different approaches. In the beginning, it may seem like you are following steps as you apply new approaches – but the beauty of it is that it eventually becomes embedded in how you engage with your child – second nature.

Developing speech and language does not happen in 7 days, or 2 weeks – it takes time and patience. You begin to see the results as you apply the keys weekly lessons. My child’s nursery has also been pleased by my child’s progress, and can clearly identify the change since I started the course. No one else knows your child, better than yourself – having the right kind of coaching is so valuable in supporting your child’s development”

FREE 5 Day Training Course

Just wanted to let you know you are in for a treat!

When you sign up to receive my Newsletter – you are going to receive FREE resources and updates on any upcoming exciting news and training courses etc....lots of things coming up very soon!

Talking about FREE stuff – the first thing I want to offer you is my 5 day FREE training course called ‘Developing understanding of language’, so if you have been looking for extra help for your toddler then you can access the course links in the newsletter – you can watch the videos in your own time and as many times as you like.

Sign Up Here


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