Toddler Chat

Current Status
Not Enrolled
Get Started

Week 1:

  • Social Engagement Theory
  • My 6-step Formula O.W.L.I.N.G
  • Video of a parent and child interacting
  • Homework – Try O.W.L.I.N.G

Week 2:

  • Speech and Language Development – Back to basics!
  • Ages and stages of comprehension development
  • Assessing your child’s understanding of language
  • Homework – assess your child

Week 3:

  • Developing Understanding of language
  • From Level 1 to 4+
  • Homework – Try one strategies

Week 4:

  • Developing Non-verbal communication:
  • Communication B4 Words – what is it?
  • Non-verbal communication – videos
  • Activity (how do we communicate)
  • Intensive Interaction video
  • Communication Temptations (activities/toys)
  • Core vocabulary
  • Homework – Try one strategy this week

Week 5:

  • Early Interaction Skills
  • Attention – ages/stages
  • Homework – record video

Week 6Guest coach

  • Play Therapy:  Guest Coaches

Week 7:Guest coach

  • Signing not just for the deaf!
  • Introduction
  • Teach signs
  • Memory activity
  • More signs
  • Homework – learn/use 2 signs

Week 8

  • Narrative Therapy
  • Develop narrative skills
  • Homework

Week 9Guest coach

  • Beauty in Parenting:
  • Setting boundaries in Self-care & with partner
  • Breath work for parents– meditation!
  • Sensory Self-care

Week 10 – Guest coach

  • Children’s  Nutritionist